A few months ago I joined a photography group through my church. The goal was to learn how to take better pictures, meet people from the church I would not normally get to meet and study the Word together. Our group decided to do a silent auction fund raiser for a community centre a bunch of churches in our area have worked together on. We submitted some of our photos, the one above is one I submitted. Tonight was our group wind-up. As we sat around the camp fire, one of the women in the group said that she had seen my photo on the wall of one of the businesses in town. A business that builds homes. The man who bought the photo told my friend what God spoke to him through this picture...(this is in the words I remember from my friend so it is not the exact words or message, but it gives you a picture).
He said that a couple designed and built a house. They made it their home and raised their family in it. Eventually the kids grew older and moved away and the couple grew old and eventually passed away. Over the years, the house became worn and dilapidated and it looked a little depressing. The man said that it was kind of a hopeless picture; until he noticed the beautiful golden field surrounding the house. He said that God told him that He was still at work doing good things even in the midst of things that may look hopeless. God is always at work.
This was a unique and special message for me to receive about this picture. I had not looked for a message in this photo when I took it..let alone most of the other ones I have taken. What a beautiful reminder that God is always at work and to keep listening for His voice in all things!