Friday, June 4, 2010

Confessions of a 21 year-old Tractor Driver:

1. I have a job! ..K not really a confession, but I'm stoked! I'll be working at MCI (a private Christian boarding school) in the fall.

2. Yesterday after a long day of driving tractor at the Skyscraper in the Challenge Course (if you want to see a pic I'm sure you could find a pic of the swing @ ..I stuck around to help Amelia take down all the equipment. The last thing left to do was to drive the tractor back to the Maintenance area and park it. In our excitement, I forgot to un-attach the swing chord from the back of the tractor and hence, I pulled the chord 95 feet up the pole.

3. This morning I climbed up said the top and hooked a beaner to the chord so it could be pulled down back to the ground.

4. I think I may no longer be afraid of heights.

5. It's turned out to be a wonderful day.