Saturday, December 19, 2009

With Family For The Holidays,

Events so far...

-7.5hr trip from College to Winkler, gas light went on 30minutes away from the nearest gas station...
we made it.
- Finished knitting 2 toques.
- Bought a Mac..
- Had some cousins and aunts over for Breakie...found out that when I was visiting my cousins in
Kenya, a man
tried to buy me for a camel..

To Be Continued....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I like climbing trees and wearing plad.

I am continually writing bits and pieces of songs.

My big brother is the best.

When I was little I wanted to be Shania Twain...and a farmer.

Architecture is something I have always loved.

I don't know what I want to do when I "grow up".

I love to travel and am not afraid to do things alone..for the most part.

I challenge myself often.

Can't stand the mold that grows in my dorm room bathroom.

I have turned into a little bit of a neat freak.

I love learning.

I want to learn a language fluently by being immersed in the culture.

I want to stop running from things.

Fishing is something I absolutely love but haven't gone since I was 13 or 14...and I have always been too
afraid to take the fish off the hook.

Going to the movies is something I do not fancy...usually.

I'm a tad bit afraid of large crowds.

Hockey is a sport I wanted to play but was not allowed.

Underestimating myself is something I'm good at.

I played flute for 9 years.

I like snail mail better than chocolate, the Northern Lights, and a clean room.

If I could be anywhere right now, I'd be at the ocean or dancing in Africa.

Hard physical work is something I love to do.

Running is my new outlet/cheerer-upper/enjoyment.

I can be rather blunt.

I do like wearing dresses.

Road trips...mmm road trips..I'm in need of a road trip.....and snowboarding.

I don't like to let others read my academic work..I'm very self-conscious about it.

I wish I had more time to read and write and just be.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time to recap a bit of last semester that was never published on here...
This pic is my roomie and I celebrating a wonderful day of remembering freedom.
What a privileged it is to celebrate with someone something that is so I making sense?

I've been learning so much, my brain is in overload mode. This past week I was in Calgary from Sunday
'till Sunday. I was visiting friends and family. The highlight of my week, other than spending time with
my brother, was praying with three women from my uncle's church. What a blessing these women are.
I learnt so much in our time together, and feel that I have gained freedom and joy in meeting with the Lord.
It was definitely a spiritual retreat.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I've been feeling the need to be more simple, to change my blog to plain black, or white...or whatever.
I'd like to get rid of all the things I don't need, like that 3rd or 4th sweater...or 5th. I've been feeling pressure
to do certain things when it comes to stuff and things in stores. It's easy to explain away my latest purchase,
but really, I never feel good about it when I do that. Lord help me to be simple.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

In the midst of the battle, in the midst of the storm, He calms my heart and reminds
me of home.
He gives me strength to carry on when it seems like tomorrow is forever away.
And instead of craving sleep,
I crave my Maker.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's about time!

What an epic summer it's been. I had my summer pretty much planned. I had a job and was
having a great
time reuniting with family and friends...Within 25 hours everything drastically changed and
 I was off to
Vancouver Island. I could have never dreamed what God had instore for summer 2009 at
Camp Qwanoes.

The time I spent in Winkler was truly a blessing and in the Lord's grand plan. He taught me s
o much while
I was there and graciously set up divine appointments I could have not planned better myself.
friendships were grown and new ones were made. God challenged me on some things that
needed a lot of
work in my life and the lessons learned while inWinkler helped prepare me for what was
Going back to Camp Qwanoes is kind of like going home. Though Heaven is my true home,
 I do have a
special place in my heart for Qwanoes. As it is the home of Kaleo, there are many fond
memories that have
taken place within the borders of the camp property and also all over Vancouver Island.

I arrived just in time for Staff Training. During Staff Training, I was able to reunite with
 some dear
friends, but more importantly prepare as much as possible for the summer adventures ahead.
 The summer
was full of tough challenges, hard lessons, great victories, and joyful memories. There were
times when I just wanted to pack up, give up, and go back to Manitoba, but He helped me stick
it out and
constantly provided the strength and encouragement I needed to keep going.
Three big things the Lord is
teaching me are: Provision, Trust, and Freedom.
[Image] Throughout the summer I was going back and fourth with whether or not to
 return to Briercrest
for my final year of college. Long story short, I'm back and God is providing the
means for me to be here
on peice at a time. This semester I have a full course load and am working at the
cafiteria and am doing an
internship in my dorm and my old dorm as well. It may be a busy year, but I am
looking forward to it. I
also am able to take a seminary mod for college credit. This starts on Monday...
which means I have today
and tomorrow to finish my book and write a short paper as I finish off my 5th and 6th
shifts this week at
the Caf. I can do it with His help, but I would love prayers.
[Image] Many people have been asking me what I'm planning on doing after I grad in the
Spring. I feel a bit
like I'm back in grade 12. It's that same haunting question again "What are you going to
do with your life?"
I'm not quite sure...other than love and serve Jesus, I think those plans are big enough
for now. There
are no limits with Christ.

In His grip

Friday, April 10, 2009


How many times do you stop yourself from doing something because you think you are not worthy of it?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


it's late, I should be sleeping.

It was an intense week last week, and it's only continuing on. With 6 papers due by next Wednesday,
and a hole lot of stress...I'm going to make it alive...maybe not so much stress..I hope. Determination
and diligence...I'm hoping those will be describing words of my work ethic starting...tomorrow:P

I have a job for the summer...working at a camp ground in my home town and subbing at a daycare...
and maybe waitressing...hoping to save some money for a road/or plane trip this coming year.

I don't want to go to means I have to wake up and run and do goes on.

Last weekend Scott McKnight was speaking at a conference at my school; there were also some other side
session speakers's some of the main points that I got from the weekend that I'm pretty pumped about:

-When justice is fully realized on earth..when it is fully accomplished, the Kingdom of Heaven will be here!

-The answer to injustice is simply "stop sinning"

-That forgiveness and reconciliation are two different concepts. Forgiveness is a means to reconciliation.

Much more that was said and learned..I have tonz of notes if anyone wants to know was great.

p.s. I miss people. Can't wait for a day when I'm not so busy so I can finally have time to see people!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Felix, a dear friend from Lilongwe passed away this week adding to the rawness of my heart. Started drawing
again...yesterday. In high school and my first years of College I would write poems ...though I do still write,
it seems as if that has turned into drawing and painting..mmm water colours. Today was a good day, relaxed
and did homework. Went for a walk with a good friend. Read for Hebrew Poetry and Wisdom. Organized my file
folder of my papers. Finished a drawing. lol...good chill day. Tomorrow starts a super busy week of papers! and
classes...and not working at Starbucks..for a while till I catch up in my homework. Then off to Canmore from
March 28-April 4th! BOOYEAH! hehe. Learning to pray, to come before the Lord in earnest, to be me.

may Christ be glorified in everything

"If you want to know how rich you are add up what you have that money can't buy and death can't take away."
-Pastor Rick Duncan

I was thinking about this as a friend of mine was talking about the gifts of the Spirit and wondered how rich am I?
Do I have to posses many of the gifts of the Spirit to be rich? Or is eternal life and freedom in Christ being rich in
its fullness? Don't know if I'm phrasing my question correctly.
What do you think?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Listened!

Yesterday was the beginning of Mod week...sheesh! you'd think I'd get some sort of rush out of taking 3 mods
and four classes this semester....I think I kinda do..hehe.

Good day, wasn't feeling 100%, felt like my head was about to explode during the Mafia game at the Point
so left a little early. Got to my room and talked at bit with my roommate Ellen. Shared our frustrations of the
day. I don't feel good and I think I need to go into the walk-in for my wrist that is keeping me awake with pain
almost every night. Got into bed and shot up a few prayers, mostly for myself and shut my eyes...

..I couldn't sleep. Though this is nothing new, it was different. I couldn't get my friends name out of my head.
I asked God to protect her and be with her and told Him I'd call her today. As I drifted off to sleep...No!
I couldn't sleep! I didn't know her number but remember her writing it down for me a few weeks ago.
I got up, telling God that I'd call her right then IF I could find her number..randomly I did.
(quite a surprise as I had no clue where it was!)It was 11:30pm..."But God, she might be asleep!?" But I knew.
I was worried. I had no idea what happened.

I dialed the numbers saying I'd wait for a certain amount of rings and hang up. She picked up! I told her what
happened. I heard a sniffle on the other side. "I'm so glad you called". And she proceeded to tell me what
happened yesterday. After hearing her heart, we prayed together and hung up the phone.

I went to sleep.

I'm still in shock! I was afraid I would wake her up just to hear her say, "no, I'm fine, and you woke me up"
but God knew! God knows! Yeah, (sigh) He's pretty great huh.

Friday, March 6, 2009

21 Random things from a 21-year-old:

1) I want to hike the entire Trans Canada Trail.

2) I have always wanted to write a book.

3) I have never hitch-hiked. (and kinda want to)

4) My love for the game of soccer only started my first year of college...and yet I still don't know all the rules.

5) I make a mean Eggs Benedict

6) If you want the rainbow, you're gonna have to put up with the rain.

7) Chieftess Teresa Malila is one of my hero's "...the church needs to be a threat to injustice."

8) When I know I'm completely alone, I will sing and dance.

9) I believe one makes the choice whether or not to be optimistic and have a good day.

10) Every time I go back to visit my parents I rearrange my room and thoroughly clean it.

11) My DISC personality test told me I'm adventurous...I agree :)

12) I am not afraid to try new things, I may be afraid of that which I am trying for the first time,
like the first time I jumped off a cliff or picked up a snake, but the adventure and conquering fears is worth
the risk.

13) "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt

14) The two items in my fridge are homemade grape jam and a water bottle. (and I'm soo hungry right now!)

15) I still have nerf gun wars with my brother

16) The furthest I have been from home is Malawi, Africa..and I would love to go back.

17) When I was little, I wanted to be a farmer.

18) I have always wanted to backpack across Europe.

19) I took hip hop in high school

20) I hope to run a half marathon in the near future.

21) climbing trees is one of my favorite things to do...getting down isn't.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quote of the day:

Laurie: "I always hug people before they leave so they remember how much they love me and come back."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nothing's wrong with me..

The only thing that has ever been wrong is that I have believed the lies of the world and of the devil that
something is in fact wrong with me. This hit me hard tonight. Honestly, thinking back to why I didn't
do/haven't done certain things is because I thought something was wrong with me. Meaning there has
always been an excuse: I'm too slow, too much, not smart, fast, good, strong, worthy enough, I don't
"have the time", I'm too sore, tired, mad, sad, cold or even old. LIES... all LIES.

It frustrates me to think that I have fallen into this trap of such obvious lies that I have let hold me back
from reaching my full potential in Christ. I hate to think that I have wasted so much time. I know that
God has been and is glorified in the life I have lived so far; He wouldn't have it any other way. But just
to think what it can be now that I know that those lies have been and I guess still are a part of my life.
I am rejoicing over the fact that our Father has alerted me to these lies...time to fight. This battle never
ends; if we haven't realized that yet, it's now time. What do you think it would look like if every time one
of these lies started to come into our minds, we would fight it and do the opposite. I think it was Jim Eliot
who decided that when he felt tempted he decided to always to the opposite. You can't go wrong in doing
the opposite of what the devil is telling you to do. What wise advice.

Let us strive to live in the freedom that is waiting for us to step into.
Be bold in Him. Never say no to the Father.
In His love