Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Listened!

Yesterday was the beginning of Mod week...sheesh! you'd think I'd get some sort of rush out of taking 3 mods
and four classes this semester....I think I kinda do..hehe.

Good day, wasn't feeling 100%, felt like my head was about to explode during the Mafia game at the Point
so left a little early. Got to my room and talked at bit with my roommate Ellen. Shared our frustrations of the
day. I don't feel good and I think I need to go into the walk-in for my wrist that is keeping me awake with pain
almost every night. Got into bed and shot up a few prayers, mostly for myself and shut my eyes...

..I couldn't sleep. Though this is nothing new, it was different. I couldn't get my friends name out of my head.
I asked God to protect her and be with her and told Him I'd call her today. As I drifted off to sleep...No!
I couldn't sleep! I didn't know her number but remember her writing it down for me a few weeks ago.
I got up, telling God that I'd call her right then IF I could find her number..randomly I did.
(quite a surprise as I had no clue where it was!)It was 11:30pm..."But God, she might be asleep!?" But I knew.
I was worried. I had no idea what happened.

I dialed the numbers saying I'd wait for a certain amount of rings and hang up. She picked up! I told her what
happened. I heard a sniffle on the other side. "I'm so glad you called". And she proceeded to tell me what
happened yesterday. After hearing her heart, we prayed together and hung up the phone.

I went to sleep.

I'm still in shock! I was afraid I would wake her up just to hear her say, "no, I'm fine, and you woke me up"
but God knew! God knows! Yeah, (sigh) He's pretty great huh.

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